Facebook Features We Adore

In case you’ve missed some of the recent Facebook feature updates or haven’t had the chance to use them, allow me to highlight three of my favorites and explain why they are awesome:

1. Post Scheduling – Don’t get me wrong, I still love Hootsuite, but being able to post regular updates on a Facebook page is amazing. It definitely saved my team and me some stress when I went on vacation last week and it allows brands to keep up with a regular posting schedule.

Note- Scheduled posts should be one part of a content strategy. On the fly and relevant posts/conversations are still essential for great customer/client service, information sharing, and engagement.

Schedule Posts from the status update field:

2. Page Administration Roles– Maybe I’m paranoid, but I used to have nightmares that a page administrator would go rogue and de-admin everyone else on client’s page, essentially staging a takeover. Now? No worries. Check this chart from Facebook explaining what each role can do:

3. Calendar View- One of the newest Facebook updates, the calendar view is great for us visual people with packed schedules. Now instead of a big list of birthdays and events, you have the option of seeing everything in a nice calendar layout. Hopefully in the near future, Facebook will  be able to sync with the several other calendars in my life (outlook, Google, iPad, etc). A girl can dream.

Questions or comments? Call (207.619.7350), email (kateb@broadreachpr.com), message on Facebookor tweet me (@Broadreach)
